Problems can bring with them unexpected opportunities. It was one such large problem which started us thinking about the entry into helping people locally we had been talking about for some time.
Petrochemicals impact our health and the world around us in ways which cause real harm. But how do we handle the very real problems the petro-products are sold to handle if we don't use them?
This may strike you as too much like Tupper Ware or Avon Calling to be for you - but you will be building a clientele by doing presentations to local groups. We supply the presentation materials. When you sign up we send you a packet via email with suggestions on how to build out your practice as the go-to person on what causes harm, what kind of harm, and the costs exacted by these products.
Right now, we are negotiating for similar beauty products - but the choice of what to use for your product line is up to you. We do not take a percentage of anything.
Building your clientele with enlarge the number of people who know and trust you and open up an avenue to help others begin Green Enterprises.
When you look over the list of petro-products which need to be displaced you will understand the enormity of the problem. Not only are these poisonous products, they often do not work. Worse, they make the problem of resistant strains, worse.
The reason head lice, now known as Super Lice, have become resistant to the harsh poisons in traditional products being used to treat the problem, especially in school children. 25 states are now experiencing this itchy and health threatening problem. The solution now being offered by traditional sources is harsher and more toxic poisons for which the parent must get a physician prescription.
Helping parents and schools cope with this problem provides an entry point for making more products available which reduce the river of petroleum products now impacting our communities. An Agent Green can start with getting rid of these nasty little critters and also education people on how these Green products can provide a better environment for all of us.
One in three children will get head lice. This is estimated at 29 million infestations a year in the United States alone. This is the second most common health issue for kids.
For all of human history head lice have been with us, we know this from multiple sources in archaeology and anthropology. And although this is not discussed generally microbes who infest head lice have been responsible for typhus plagues into the 20th Century. You may remember that many physicians are growing cautious about prescribing antibiotics for the same reason. Diseases are becoming resistant as well.
The situation has the potential to explode.
Yet a treatment exists which is entirely natural and cannot result in resistant strains of head lice. It is easy to use and smells like peppermint. So why, you might ask, is it not being used routinely? Because the companies who produce the toxic products spend more on advertising and otherwise manipulate public perception. Since children have been known to die of the toxic effect of lice treatments this is horrifying. But it is happening.
This is why we are starting with head lice. As an Agent Green you will provide the treatment which will take care of the problem. This provides you with the opportunity to sit down with the parent and child and show them the facts about the history, treatment, and dangers of all poisons now common in products.
All information is checked as accurate by David Lincoln, our Team Director for Research. Dave is a Geologist who spent over twenty years in the oil industry and left because of the damage he personally witnessed.
Agent Green is designed to put you, as an agent for green alternatives and commerce, into your community backed with facts and solutions. We help you build out your practice and provide all the tools you will need to succeed.
Building out your practice, and learning more, will open up many opportunities. You will be making presentations using the Power Point Presentation we are putting together, and showing short films we will make available to you as part of your membership. As you build your practice you will realize some of these opportunities are perfect for people you know - or for you!
Your clients will receive a free subscription to our magazine, Vision & Action, which will continue the process of educating you are starting. Vision & Action also provides opportunities for Green Commerce and health they did not know they need.
Want to know more? Use the Contact Page - and include your phone number if you want us to call you.