Agents Green

Sustainable Social Justice

A Plan and a Mission 
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
for the Arthur C. Pillsbury Foundation

Building a path to peace people can see and experience 

~ Goal ~

We accomplish the goal by providing the tools which you can choose which will stop the loss of homes to foreclosure, provide health care you cannot lose for which you pay a percentage of income.  See Health Portal

Using Percentage As You Earn (%PAYE) Finance & Finansurance we solve problems which were destroying Americans and leaving many on the street.  This includes the elderly, evicted from life-long homes, families with children, and veterans.  Agents Green is part of the change and we hope you will join us by shutting off the spigot now pouring poisons into our homes, bodies, our farms and more.  It is time to take action.  

     Instead of asking people to lower their expectations or sign onto an ideology we offer people solutions or products which are better than those they are now using.   These  lower their cost of living, provide less stressful conditions, and new ways to earn the money they need.

       Together, these solutions provide a Sustainable, Humane Economy (SHE).  This makes it possible for you to rebuild your American Dream.

            The problems solved include the tsunami of foreclosures which have left so many Americans homeless
                                                                                       Housing the American Dream.

                                                                      There are solutions and Agents Green is one of these